Our Perspectives.
The Market Lives. - It moves as a wild creature seeking water might move; taking different paths, but arriving at the spring just the same. It is a living, breathing, sentient creature, at once reflecting all of the decisions of thousands of traders together. It leaves tracks and can be hunted, although it is powerful and if treated casually, dangerous. To harness the power of this entity, awareness of its habits, location, direction and speed is essential. That is what we do.
The Story. - There is no reason for a market commentary to always be dry and repetitious. The market is full of stories. Reading a newsletter should be at least occasionally entertaining. Even if the day’s best market observations are dull, there is always some life to be reported.
Portland VS Chicago, KC or Minneapolis. - Following the price trend of any specific market in wheat, be it PNW Soft White, Hard Red Winter, Soft Red Winter or Hard Red Spring wheat, involves awareness of all of those markets, three of which have well-developed futures contracts. The influence of each is very strong on the others, the relationships between them yield valuable bits of information. For PNW white wheat, the difference between cash quotes for “Coast” markets and (usually) Chicago, known as “basis” can be a volatile and not-very-useful affair, but the true value of tracking the futures markets lies in their sensitivity to major trend factors that show up in all wheat markets, including white wheat. Awareness of the movements and trends in futures can raise white wheat marketing to a higher level.
Stress. - There are plenty of demands on your time. It is far too easy to put off market study until its too late to make a well-considered decision. We do not claim the ability to see the future, but we are able to relate the ever-unfolding story that is the wheat market, keeping our subscribers aware, reducing time demands and stress.
The Harvest. - For all its complexity, the business of wheat comes down to a simple idea: one seed in the ground becomes many. The MarketBullets, planted in the right ground, become more powerful over time; a little yield here, a little yield there, after a while the numbers add up.
The Trend. - Every decision has its probabilities, but over time, trading in the direction of the trend allows more room for error than trading against it. Simple, consistent knowledge of the trend and the top factors driving it can help prevent impulsive decisions, and allow for measurable improvement in performance.
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In market judgement and trading, like most things, there is no secret…No preternatural, always right, mechanical program that will do all the work, but there is common sense, experience, and time. In all the years of trading and watching others trade, I have learned what is effective, and that is , “Put in the study time, pay attention and you will find the way to win. MarketBullets® can help boost sensitivity to key market factors and trend changes without hours of sifting through the piles of noisy information (We do that for you). -Gary